CMI Participation at UNCITRAL Working Group VI Sessions
Professor Miriam Goldby, member of the CMI Standing Committee on the Carriage of Goods has represented the CMI at the 42nd, 43rd , 44th and 45th sessions of UNCITRAL’s Working Group VI. The Working Group is currently deliberating and drafting a new Draft Instrument on Negotiable Cargo Documents. The Instrument was originally intended to create a new document of title to goods covering non-marine cargoes. CMI participation was intended to ensure, firstly, consistency insofar as possible between the provisions of the new Draft Instrument and laws and practices relating to the use of bills of lading and, secondly, avoidance of any unintended disruption of well-established, well-regulated and well-understood norms and practices relating to the use of bills of lading and other maritime transport documents. In relation to the first of these objectives Professor Goldby has intervened in the WG’s deliberations wherever necessary to clarify trade practice relating to bills of lading. The Standing Committee on the Carriage of Goods has also proposed a scoping provision for discussion by the Working Group intended to secure the second of these objectives. This was introduced prior to the 45th session which took place in December 2024 but will be discussed at the 46th session in New York scheduled for March 2025.