President’s Intervention at LEG111
Ann Fenech, in her capacity as President of the CMI, participated and contributed to the IMO Legal Committee’s 111st Session.
Monday, April 22nd, marked the commencement of the 111th session of the Legal Committee (LEG111) at the International Maritime Organization Headquarters.
The LEG111 agenda included several challenging items, such as the fair treatment of seafarers, measures to prevent unlawful practices associated with fraudulent ship registration and registries, piracy and armed robbery against ships, and maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS).
Several other CMI members also participated in various debates during the week dedicated to LEG111. Additionally, a number of CMI members serve as consultants to various state delegations, including Tomotaka Fujita, adviser to the Japanese delegation; Eduardo Albors, adviser to the Spanish delegation; and Barbara Holland, adviser to the American delegation.