Malta Maritime Law Association (“MMLA”) – CMI Newsletter 2024/2
Throughout the last year the Malta Maritime Law Association (“MMLA”) was actively involved in promoting the association’s objectives by organising and attending a number of activities which took place both in Malta and abroad.
30th Anniversary of the Malta Maritime Law Association
The most notable event is the celebration of the MMLA’s 30th Anniversary which took place in October within the charming venue of the National Library in the capital city of Valletta. The Event witnessed the participation of key maritime speakers who, over the years, have contributed and will continue to consolidate and strengthen the MMLA’s role as a forum and principal stakeholder within the Maltese Shipping Industry. The event welcomed Minister for Transport Hon Chris Bonnet and CMI President Dr. Ann Fenech. While the first panel delighted the audience with anecdotes regarding the set up, challenges and achievements of the MMLA during the first three decades of the Association the second panel focused on upcoming challenges the Maltese shipping industry will be facing in the near future. The event was also the perfect occasion to celebrate past MMLA Presidents for the contribution given to the Association and for the Maltese Shipping community to gather.
Malta Maritime Summit
MMLA President Dr. Matthew Attard addressed the audience during the Malta Maritime Summit. Dr. Attard focused on the importance of dialogue between stakeholders and the government and need for the European Union to regulate shipping related matters in a more sensible manner and by placing the growth of the EU flag on top of its agenda.
ELSA Summer Law School
The Malta Maritime Law Association was kindly invited by ELSA Malta to contribute to the 2024 edition of the ELSA Malta Maritime Summer Law School held during the month of August at the University of Malta. Dr Suzanne Shaw together with Dr Stephan Piazza and Dr Caroline Risiott delivered lectures respectively on EU Shipping Law, Shipping and Taxation and Ship Finance.
Attendance to such event is part of MMLA’s commitment toward new generations of law students interested in the maritime field.
Informative Session on European Trading System
The MMLA together with the Malta International Shipowners Association and the Malta Resources Authority was very pleased to organise an informative session about the European Trading System.
The event which was moderated by Dr. Stephan Piazza and Dr. Lisa Camilleri had the pleasure to welcome Dr. Saviour Vassallo from the Malta Resources Authority who gave a very exhaustive presentation about the ETS mechanism recently extended also to the Shipping sector and addressing questions from members in attendance both in person and online.
Annual General Meeting
During the months of April the MMLA held in Annual General Meeting during which the President and Committee Chairmen updated members present about the progress made during the last year and various initiatives taken up to promote the interest of its member and the Malta flag.
The AGM focused on the MMLA’s achievements, the consolidated relationships with various Maltese authorities and activities carried out to promote the Shipping industry at a local level.
Collaboration with International Maritime Law Institute
During the month of May a delegation from the Education subcommittee led by Dr. Stephan Piazza met the Director of the International Maritime Law Institute to discuss possible collaborations between both the institute and the Malta Maritime Law Association
Attendance to the 2nd signing ceremony of the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships
Malta Maritime Law Association President Dr. Matthew Attard attended the 2nd signing ceremony of the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships which took place at Verdala Castle in Malta on 19th June. The signing ceremony was held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Malta H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono.
The signing ceremony was officiated by Mr. David Nanopoulos, Chief of Treaty Office of Legal Affairs United Nations. He was joined by H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta; Hon. Ian Borg, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta; Mr José Angelo Estrella Faria, Principal Legal Officer and Head of the Legislative Branch, International Trade Law Division, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs; Dr. Ann Fenech, President of the Comité Maritime International; Hon. Chris Bonnet, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure, and Public Works of Malta; Mr. Richard Sonnenschein, Director for Justice Policies, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission; Dr. Dorota Lost-Siemińska, Director, Legal Affairs and External Relations Division, International Maritime Organization; and Hon. Jonathan Attard, Minister for Justice and Reform of the Construction Sector of Malta.
CMI Colloquium May 2024
The Malta Maritime Law Association attended the 2024 CMI – Comité Maritime International Colloquium held in Gothenburg between the 22-24 May. The event organised by the Swedish Maritime Law Association hosted cut edging presentations, thought leaders and insightful discussions on various topics such as the judicial sales of vessels, decarbonisation and piracy.
The Malta Maritime Law Association delegation was represented by President Dr. Matthew Attard, Secretary Dr. Lisa Camilleri and Treasurer Dr. Adrian Attard pictured together with CMI President Dr. Ann Fenech and Secretary General Rosalie Balkin together with Dr. Adrian Camilleri, Dr. Maria Borg Barthet, Dr. Martina Farrugia and Dr. Daniel-Luc Farrugia.
Malta Maritime Forum Annual General Meeting
Dr. Attard and Dr. Piazza attended the Malta Maritime Forum Annual General Meeting in May. The Malta Maritime Forum is a non-governmental organisation that serves as a common platform for those Malta-based entities who are involved in the maritime, logistical and transport sector in Malta and facilitates communication between the various sectors as well as with Government, to assist and promote the development of this industry in general. Dr. Attard is a board member within the Malta Maritime Forum in his capacity as MMLA representative.
Promotion of the Yachting Industry
During this year the Yachting Subcommitte was actively involved in consultation process leading to the launch of the new Small Code for Commercial Yachts and discussion on the implementation of the Super Yacht Policy released a year ago.
In addition to this the MMLA was actively involved in the promotion of the shipping industry through an active dialogue with stakeholders and maritime authorities through tangible proposals made our legislative framework such as the submission of the amendments to the Merchant Shipping Act and Code Of Organisation and Civil Procedure.
Attendance to RISC 2024 Conference
MMLA President Dr Matthew Attard was invited to the Registry Information Sharing Conference held in Malta on 22nd March to give an overview of what the Maltese Shipping industry is doing in respect to its Due Diligence obligations and how the industry collects the necessary data on clients in order to ensure that proper monitoring is maintained. The conference was attended by representatives of various flag registries as well as other professionals from all over the world working within this field.
AIJA seminar “Setting sails in turbulent times”
MMLA was supporting sponsor of the AIJA seminar “Setting sails in turbulent times”
Held in Valletta, Malta from 13 to 15 June 2024. Organised by AIJA’s Transport and International Business Law Commissions, the event explored the latest challenges and remedies against the unpredictability in the commerce and transport sectors. Experts addressed crucial dimensions affecting the supply chain, including pre-contractual stages, due diligence obligations, and the impact of legislation like Supply Chain Acts and the European Green Deal.
MMLA at IMO IMLI Conference
The Malta Maritime Law Association was pleased to attend the conference organised by the IMO IMLI as part of the Institute’s 35th anniversary celebrations. The conference entitled “Promoting the Implementation of IMO Objectives through Maritime Legislation”, held in Valletta on 17th June, welcomed distinguished panelists discussing important topics such as marine environment, safety and security maritime issues, decarbonisation and the implementation on international instruments.
2nd signing ceremony of the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships
Malta Maritime Law Association President Dr. Matthew Attard attended the 2nd signing ceremony of the United Nations Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships which took place at Verdala Castle in Malta on 19th June. The signing ceremony was held at the magnificent Verdala Palace in Malta under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Malta H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono.
The signing ceremony was officiated by Mr. David Nanopoulos, Chief of treaty office of legal affairs United Nations (standing behind Min Ian Borg on picture). He was joined by H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta; Hon. Ian Borg, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta; Mr José Angelo Estrella Faria, Principal Legal Officer and Head of the Legislative Branch, International Trade Law Division, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs; Dr. Ann Fenech, President of the Comité Maritime International; Hon. Chris Bonett, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure, and Public Works of Malta; Mr. Richard Sonnenschein, Director for Justice Policies, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission; Dr. Dorota Lost-Sieminska, Director, Legal Affairs and External Relations Division, International Maritime Organization; and Hon. Jonathan Attard, Minister for Justice and Reform of the Construction Sector of Malta.
The Convention was signed by Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Malta, and Spain thus raising the number of signatories to 26.