Maritime Law Association of the United Arab Emirates (EMLA) admitted as Member of the CMI.
It was a very happy moment during our General Assembly Meeting in Gothenburg when the Assembly accepted the recommendation of the Executive Council to admit the newly formed Maritime Law Association of the United Arab Emirates (EMLA) as a member of the CMI.
The UAE is a very important maritime region in several respects ranging from vessel ownership, port and maritime infrastructures, bunkering and associated maritime activity. Maritime lawyers practicing there have for many years been pursuing this objective. Many congratulations to Jasmin Fichte who was behind the organisation of the association and Alessandro Tricoli the first President of the Association who addresses the General Assembly in Gothenburg.
May this Association in the UAE be followed by others from the middle east. Welcome on board EMLA.
Alessandro Triccoli addressing the Gothenburg Colloquium
First meeting of the UAW Maritime Law Association