Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez addresses opening ceremony at CMI Colloquium in Gothenburg
It was with great pleasure that we welcomed The Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization, Arsenio Dominguez, who gave an opening speech at the start of our Colloquium last Thursday.
Mr. Dominguez spoke of the challenges affecting stability in maritime trade, including the unfair treatment of seafarers and threats to safety and security faced by commercial shipping. He congratulated the CMI – Comité Maritime International for its role and successes in the Convention on the International Effects of Judicial Sales of Ships and expressed his satisfaction that the IMO will be acting as the repository of the notices of judicial sale and the certificates of judicial sales. He underlined how the Convention will go a long way in eliminating uncertainty faced by purchasers and financiers of ships sold in judicial sales.
The CMI thanks the Secretary General for his support and on its part underlines its readiness and willingness to assist in and contribute to any of the projects undertaken by the Legal Committee of the IMO.
Dorota Lost-Siemińska, Legal Director of the IMO, attended our Colloquium and took part in a panel on MASS.