MLAUS – United States Maritime Law Association – Spring Meeting 2023
The 124th annual Spring Meeting of The Maritime Law Association of the United States was held in New York City during the first week of May 2023. It was a busy week, with meetings of the Standing Committees of the Association taking place at various law offices in midtown Manhattan, culminating in the General Meeting of the members on Friday, 5th May, at the Great Hall for the Bar of the City of New York.
The Association’s President Barbara Holland welcomed CMI President Ann Fenech, who spoke at the General Meeting regarding the work of the CMI and invited all to attend the Montreal Colloquium in June of 2023. Following the General Meeting, President Fenech delivered the keynote speech at the Nicholas J. Healy Lecture on Admiralty Law, in which she addressed the history behind the Convention on the International Effects of the Judicial Sales of Ships and its adoption by the United Nations General Assembly on 7 December 2022.
Reports by the Officers and Committee Chairs during the General Meeting included, inter alia, the Association’s recent meetings with port officials to advocate for support of the Rotterdam Rules, as well as a resolution to be sent to the United States Senate in support of ratification of the Convention on the International Effects of the Judicial Sales of Ships. Finally, plans were announced for the annual Fall Meeting in October of 2023, to be held in San Francisco, California, as well as the Association’s celebration of its 125th anniversary during 2024.