Report of the Greek MLA for a Seminar held on 3 October 2023
The Greek MLA, together with the Greek Chamber of Shipping organized on 3 October 2023 a seminar on the Unified Interpretation on the test for breaking the owner’s right to limit liability under the IMO conventions.
The speakers were :
- Commander (Hellenic Coast Guard) Christina Tzalavra, chairwoman of the IMO working that formulated the respective resolutions. group who presented her paper titled “The procedure for adopting the IMO Resolutions Α. 1163(32), Α. 1164(32) και Α. 1165(32)”
- Professor Dr Dieter Schwampe, CMI Vice President, who presented his paper titled “The unified interpretations of the test for breaking the shipowner’s right to limit liability”
- Professor of the University of Athens, Dimitris Christodoulou who presented his paper “The application in Greece of the IMO Resolutions dated 15.12.2021”
The event was held at the Athens Marriot Hotel and was attended by about 142 persons of which many judges of the Piraeus first instance and appeal court.
Following the presentations a lively discussion was held with questions and answers by the panel.