Spanish Maritime Law Association – SMLA/AEDM NEWS OF THE SECOND SEMESTER 2023 (1)
By Jesús Casas. 2nd Vicepresident
As anticipated in the CMI’s Newsletter 1/2023 we celebrated our annual National Congress of Maritime Law in Madrid, at UriaMenendez auditorium on 29th and 30th June 2023, with more than one hundred attendants and covering a variety of topics in six different Modules with a keynote opening speech of Dr. Pilar Cuesta de Loño, Attorney of the Council of State, on the case law of the Spanish Constitutional Court on the Law of the Sea and the competences of the different public administrations.
Our former Chairman, Mr. Eduardo Albors (member of the CMI’s ExCo and Titulary Member) was presented with his diploma as Honorary Member of our Association.
You can find the briefing, photos, videos and presentations in our Website:
The topics discussed included news in maritime salvage and towage, offshore infrastructures, updated practical issues on maritime transport contracts, trends in maritime arbitration and their application in practice, marine wind mill parks (present status and conditions for its implementation) and present matters in the European Union fisheries law.
We had as foreign lecturers Mr. Thomas Forkin (Preston Turnbull), Mrs. Ursula O’Donnel (North Standard), Mrs. Antonia Panayides (Reed Smith), Mr. Gunnar Espeland (Simonsen Vogt Wiig), Mr. José Vicente Guzmán (Guzmán Escobar y Asociados) and Mr. Paolo Ghirardani (HFW) along with other speakers.