Virtual EXCO Meeting – April 2023, by Lawrence Teh
The Executive Members attended an online meeting on 5-6 April 2023. Among the matters addressed were:
- The minutes of the EXCO meeting and General Assembly in Antwerp were approved with minor modifications
- The President announced her intention and her actions to foster closer ties with all CMI members, including consultative organisations, and to encourage them to participate in CMI activities
- The Treasurer presented his written report which included a review of the cash position, 2023-2024 budget, re-investment of assets and reimbursement policy for EXCO members’ registration fees at CMI events and for speakers (no change to existing policy)
- Outstanding contributions from NMLAs
- Support for re-election of Rosalie Balkin as Secretary-General
- Renewability of terms of EXCO members (no change to existing policy of renewability)
- Formation of a separate standing committee on ratification of the Rotterdam Rules
- Formation of a Publications and Social Media Committee
- Discontinuation of the Planning Committee
- Young CMI leadership
- Judicial Sales project and change of IWG name to Ratification of Judicial Sale of Ships
- Reappointment of members of the Audit Committee
- EXCO member liaison with national maritime law associations
- Closure of the standing committee on Database on Judicial Decisions on International Conventions and appointment of liaison officer with NUS
- Closure of the ad hoc committee on CoVid-19
- Future CMI events in Montreal (2023), Gothenburg (2024), Tokyo (2025) and Rio de Janeiro (2026)
- Spanish MLA interest in hosting event in 2027
- Membership applications and potential expulsions
- Publications update
- Terms of employment of the Head Office Manager
- Singapore regional office
- Future EXCO meetings